Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Needs vs Wants...

Doing what you NEED to do, will have you sprinting towards your ideal physique.

The fitness industry is a funny game.  Most people begin to exercise because they WANT
to increase their cosmetic appeal and enhance their health.  Obviously those with different needs (atheltes) train for different reasons such as increased athleticism and improving their game.  And some breeds of humanity (men) train to impress the opposite sex.  This article is more directed towards those training for mainly aesthetics.  What is so confusing to a trainer like me is that why when people WANT to become fit and lean, they do not do what they NEED to do to accomplish the goal?

Look at this scenario.  What if I was few weeks out from a powerlifting meet?  (I actually am, my first meet!)  What value would it have served if for the last 8 weeks I would have performed triple drop sets and supersets into oblivion while eating a pre-contest diet?  I would be a super lean, yet WEAK man on that platform!  For powerlifting, you NEED to lift heavy and eat heavy.  To achieve your goal, you NEED to do what NEEDS to be done.  I will present to you wonderful readers below what you NEED to do to develop the body you WANT!  Remember if you do what you NEED to do, you will be successful in creating the body you WANT.  If you do what you WANT to do (eat junk, train like a lame), you will WANT to jump off a cliff after months of perceived effort leads to zero results.

The Big Cat is the truth.  The truth is what you NEED.  Eventually it will get you.

There are 10 things listed below.  You NEED to be doing them to develop the body that you WANT.  So let us stop being delusional and stop doing what we WANT to.  Adhere to rules below:

1.  You NEED to SQUAT for amazing legs, total body strength, increased athelticism and glutes of gold

Listen, the Squat is an iconic lift for the reasons stated above.  No one wants to have mushy glutes and unshapely legs.  And men, trust me, your woman is not just watching the game on Sunday to see how the team does...she is looking at the players backsides!  So do her a favor and get in the rack.  And women, you will not develop anything on the backside without getting into the bucket with your squat.  Squat deep, squat often, and squat with intensity and watch how those jeans fit after a few months.  And ladies, you might just get mistaken for J. Lo in her prime!

2.  You NEED to DEADLIFT to build a spectacular posterior and raw strength

Pulling heavy weight off the floor brings out the animal nature in everyone.  Plus it also sculpts the enitre back of your body into a piece of artwork.  This is the only movement that hits your upper/mid/lower back, glutes, hamstrings, quads, abs, shoulders, forearms, and upper arms.  Men you don't fill out a shirt by doing only curls all day.  And ladies when you wear your favorite dress, you want that sexy back right?  Do deads and do them with passion!

3.  You NEED to SPRINT to burn fat, etch abs, get faster, and develop the greatest legs in the world

Body fat is stubborn.  For most people it is especially stubborn in the legs, the lower back, and in the abdominals.  Treadmills and ellipictcals are for hamsters.  Do not be a hamster.  Go to the track 2x per week and sprint like you were racing against Usian Bolt.  Repeat for 1 year.  Look in mirror.  Resemble lean athlete.  Impress friends at summer parties and bbqs.  Get mistaken for a competitor.  Thank me with gifts.

4.  You NEED to PRESS to develop a full, round upper body and to build upper body strength

This applies to men primarily as all men seem to want a great chest, sculpted shoulders, and thick triceps.  Do not just bench press.  Do Overhead Press, Dips, and Dumbbell Presses to truly fill out your Polo shirt.  And ladies, there is nothing wrong with you doing presses.  You will not resemble a man, because you do not have equal testosterone.  But with lean arms and shoulders, you will no longer feel self-conscious about sleeveless shirts ever again.

To perform what this stallion is about to do, you must PRESS.

5.  You NEED to PULL to look like a superhero/heroine from the back

Don't be a billboard back.  And do not focus so much on pressing (men) that you forget about what is behind you. Develop a 3-D back!  Pulls will sculpt your back to heroic status.  You will look like fitness royalty when you are at the beach in your favorite swimsuit.  Perform Pull Ups and Rows weekly to build up your back.

6.  You NEED to LUNGE to give shape to your legs and again develop glutes of gold

Take shorter steps to hammer the quads and longer steps to light up the glutes and hamstrings.  Make sure your back knee touches the ground.  Grab heavy weight and watch the growth occur!  Then put on your favorite jeans.  I promise that you will like the way you look.

7.  You NEED to DIET to either gain size and strength OR to lose fat and get super lean

Nothing I have mentioned in this article means anything unless you are eating properly.  Choose a goal and stick to the script.  Skipping this step will lead to heavy frustration similar to a high school punk who keeps getting turned down by every girl for his prom.  (I was this punk)

Without proper DIET, you will be going nowhere fast. (I made this)

8.  You NEED to COMMIT to your training/diet forever to see permanent results forever

There are no 6 weeks plans.  Get fit quick is like get rich quick...sounds great, but 99 percent of the time it does not work!  I mean, how many times have you won the lottery?  Train/Eat Clean/Be Consistent forever.  Is less than 60 minutes/3-4x per week really asking to much?  There are 168 hours in a 7 day week...if I give you 40 for work and 49 for sleep you are at 89.  We still have 79 hours to go.  I'll give you 5 hours a week for your work commute.  I will even give you 10 more hours of work for overtime.  54 hours of uncommitted time.  Even if you trained 5 days a week at 1 hour per session, you are committing 3 percent of your weekly time to your health and physique.  The excuse of time should be buried forever like XXXXL white tees.

9.  You NEED to perform real CARDIO like sprints, bodyweight conditioning, or metabolic lifting

There is nothing amazing about walking on a machine for 30 minutes while it lies to you and tells you burned 1000 calories.  Meanwhile you have not even broken a sweat.  And you are mad that you have done this routine every week for the last 52, and you actually look worse!  Use your body how it was intended to be used...sprint, jump, and be athletic to look stunningly fit.  Do not be a slug on a treadmill.

10.  You NEED to have a program and stick to it

Are you training mindlessly?  Do you enter the gym and say "Hmm, I guess I will do some bis, tris, and abs today."  Not knowing what you are doing daily in the gym will ruin all efforts to achieve any success.  Commit to a protocol ,as there are many great ones out there, perform it 3-5 days per week, and stick to it!  Results are a result of hard work and commitment to the basics, not doing the latest program in your favorite fitness magazine for a week and then switching programs again and repeating this cycle forever.

Bonus:  You NEED to not do things that are LAME unless you want to look LAME and UNFIT

When your frustration boils over, ask yourself..."Have I done anything amazing to change my physique"  If the answer is no, stop doing what you are doing and CHANGE.

Following fads, training with no intensity, and delusion land you here.
Bottom line...You NEED to stop Bullsh*$#ing and get SERIOUS, cause you're not serious right now!

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