Friday, February 3, 2012


What can maximize your heart health and fry fat?  Hard, Passionate, and Honest CARDIO!

Cardiovascular training.  Cardio for short.  For most of us, cardio is necessary to drop body fat down to desirable levels.
 The genetic superiors (and juicers) of the world can get supremely cut with little to no cardio.  My personal cardio philosophy is a simple train of thought:  Cardio should be intense, brief, and straight to the point!  You truly cannot go wrong with sprints and jumps.  Add in some kettlebell swings and you make a classic recipe even better!   Hey, do you want to see something funny?  Check out the "cardio" section of a commercial gym.  JEEZ O PETE!  It is such a lame and pathetic scene.  There is so much Dango!  Soccer moms and low test men pumping hours on these so-called fitness machines.  Yet they look the same or worse every year!  No one who uses these machines ever looks fit so why are they used?  What gives!!!

Naturally most trainees are looking for the easy way out.  And the gyms market these machines in a way that makes it seem like with little to no effort, you can be become a stallion.  That is AsiNINE..AsiTEN..AsiELEVEN..and AsiTWELVE! (borrowed from the great Stephen A.)  The road to stallion-hood is not easy.  In the case of cardio, industry experts call real, hard cardio high-intensity interval training  (HIIT).  Essentially meaning you are training in set work/rest intervals for a period of time.  For example 60 seconds of jump rope and 30 seconds of rest for 20 minutes.  I just call it hard, honest work.  As I stated earlier I ABHOR the fitness industry for creating so many worthless pieces of machinery.  And then brainwashing people into thinking that the gadgets have value!  Do the Gym Kardashians and Meatheads who use that elliptical and other "cardio" machines (see Tony Little) actually think that they are becoming fit by using them?  Now as far as low intensity cardio goes, walking is your best option.  Great for recovery.  But if you want to become leaner, fitter, more athletic (and sexier) in much less time then you need to keep reading what I am writing.  Has anyone ever seen a fat sprinter?  One of my favorite cardio routines is a simple scheme that will burn you down to your core.  Check it out below:

Kettlebell Swing x15
Rest 15-45s
Squat Thrust Jump x6
Rest 20-45s
Sprint 50 meters
Expire...No, seriously rest 60-90s.

Now there 10,000 different ways to chop up this scheme.  Rest intervals, progressions, work intervals, weight, etc.  But we are going to focus on the basic scheme right now.  You can run this complex 5-8 rounds.  Each set is lasting less than 2 minutes but it will be very intense and you will be very folded.  You goal is to get the job done and be finished with it.

Women, do you want to be lean, curvy and flat out stunning?  Try sprinting.


For the kettlebell swing: please DO NOT use a light, pathetic load that you can perfrom a front raise with.  I see charaltan trainers in gyms all the time "training" clients with horrifically pitiful loads.  Use a load that is gonna make you work hard and use your HIPS to drive the movement.  And if you are going to a track, kettlebells are portable.

For Squat Thrust Jump: you will need a platform (Plyo Box, Step Board, etc) to leap onto.  You will also require some athleticism, balance, and coordination.  You will perform a squat thrust and then as you rise, you will perform a vertical jump onto a box/platform.  The height of the box should be high enough so that the jump is difficult but not an impossible height.  You want to be able to land on the box safely and return to the floor in safe fashion.  Do NOT set the box up at a height that only Vince Carter can clear.  You will jump, fall, get embarrassed, and if I am there I will react like THIS!  If you are on a track, you could set up a hurdle and use it for the jump portion of the move.

For Sprint:  Line up and sprint.  Simple concept right?  If you do not have access to sprint a straight 50m, you can perform suicides in a smaller area.  You are not Usain Bolt, so concentrate on the EFFORT of your sprint.  Times may vary, but if you sprint (max effort) you will get the job done.

Which physique was built by honest, intense work?  If you have to think about it you probably spend your cardio on the elliptical also.

This simple Fitman Cardio Complex will have you gassed if performed correctly.  Adhere to the rest periods, and use honest effort.  Swing hard, jump high, and sprint!  Do not alter the scheme to make it easier.  I have personally performed this scheme and have been FOLDED when it was over.  Hard work and dedication.  Furthermore, you will also experience booty lock due your glutes actually working!  Who does not want a great posterior?  You will also start to see the adipose tissue (fat) around your stomach begin to decrease!  But how if you did not do your 500 crunches and elliptical for 75 minutes?!  With enough hard cardio complexes, plus great lifting protocols, PLUS a clean diet, you will win the war against feeling and looking unfit.  Like a great man once said..."I WANT WINNERS!"


  1. Ok I did this after doing 1/2 of your other program (21 reps at 80% for dead lifts & bench press) So I started out a little (HA!) beat. You know I hate sprinting, I was wishing for snow so we wouldn't have to go outside!! The heavy kettle bell/squat thrust jump actually knocked me over. And there was laughing... This could have been just slightly better than the 5x6 's. But not by much. Very tiring.
