Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fit Tips #7: The Real Way to Lean

Super Lean is in your future...

The MOST popular goal that a potential gym member/client has is to "get lean."  I would say outside of athletes, "getting lean" is always the goal.  But in order to achieve the goal, you need a plan...and who else to deliver the goods but me?  Here are 3 ways to get as lean as possible:

1:  Diet like you are going to step on stage...Not literally though.  Everybody does not want to be a bodybuilder...but in order to get as lean as possible, your diet needs to have some similarites to a natural bodybuilder.  They are the leanest people on earth.  A corrosive diet equals a failed protocol for getting lean.  The fastest and most effective way to get lean through diet is to cycle your carbohydrate consumption.  Excessive and poorly timed carbs will make your bodyfat skyrocket like a missile.  You want your body to burn more fat and having excess carbs in the system with derail that process.  Cycling 3 days of low carbs with 1 day of high carbs is one way to help you drop fat at a fast rate.  Or cycling your carb intake based on your exercise output which is what I prefer and use. (hard days/higher carbs, easy/off days/lower carbs etc).  Cycle this pattern for 8 weeks and watch what happens to your body! Now do not forget that the content and timing of the carbs counts too.  Lean toward whole grains, brown rice, oats, and vegetables and avoid garbage like white flour and sugar.  Also avoid carbs late at night UNLESS you are training late!  Remember excessive SUGAR is bodyfats' best friend.  So avoiding it will pay dividends and get you very lean.

2:  Train like every session is your last...What I mean here is not to go absolute balls to the walls every time you train, but train with a sense of urgency and desire.  Do not walk into the gym without a plan or a goal.  Day after day, I see people with no goal doing the same "routine" over and over...and looking the same year in and year out.  When you enter the gym, you should already know what is on the menu for you to do.  Approach the protocol with passion, and watch your body transform.

3:  Be very consistent with your diet and training...Set a goal of training 3x-5x a week, every week...outside of drastic emergencies, there is no reason for you to not stick to the script.  Being a sloth has no value.  Training 12x per month should be your bottom line if getting lean is your goal.  Anything less and your progress will be like you are driving cross country vs flying...MUCH slower.  Set a goal of committing to your diet 85-90 percent of the time.  Diet is a daily process and every meal counts.  Do not be obsessive about it, just make logical, smart choices.

Extra:  Accountability...having a certified personal trainer or equally motivated training partner can help you stay accountable.  Everyone has bad days or goes through slumps so having someone else in your corner will make you sure you do not fall off completely.


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