Thursday, September 30, 2010

The reason I train great clients...Kim attempts 225 Deadlift for the 1st time!

I love when someone who puts in the necessary work succeeds.  I would everyone to meet Kim.  She is one of my top clients.  We have been doing EDT and other High Intensity Circuits throughout the summer.  We just began our strength phase this week...I want you to watch her absolutely dominate 225lbs on the Deadlift like it is LIGHTWEIGHT...
For women who are watching., you can be this strong with the correct mindset and if you drop those 5lb weights in the trash can...Kim never misses a training session and never gives me excuse about why she cannot perform the move...she just does the deed.  To the men watching...she has more leg power and strength than the average meathead who focuses only on chest and biceps...and they look like they walk around on stilts...guys read THIS and THIS...Great Job Kim and keep up the excellent work.

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